There are so many ways you can be involved in assisting the team to be ready to respond when disaster strikes in your region. You can donate funds, become a sponsor, donate equipment, provide a training venue, join the team or just be a ‘casualty’ for a day. To enable us to assist the community in a disaster but we need your support.
Sponsor Us
We are a volunteer organisation, so money is always tight. If you or your business can help us out with some sponsorship, that would make things a lot easier for us.
You might like to help us out with gear, vehicles, food, money (is always nice). You can be sure the team will really appreciate any help we can get.

To talk to one of the team members about how you can help, click on the link below.
Keep up to date
Follow the team’s training activities and deployments on social media.

Help the Team
You can help the team in all sorts of ways.

You can volunteer to be a casualty at one or our training exercises. It’s a great way to get some first-hand experience of what it’s like to be part of the team.
Training Venue
Do you have somewhere interesting that the team can use as a training venue? Something like a big old building or warehouse, or vacant block of flats? If so, get in touch with our training committee.

We try to train in as many different locations as possible to give us a good range of experience.
If you want to join NZRT8. Click the button below and complete the on-line form.
CD Volunteers
Become a Civil Defence Volunteer.
The Wellington Region Emergency Management Office website has links to various ways you can volunteer in your community.

To find out more, check out the Civil Defence website in the link below.
We depend on donations to purchase and maintain our vehicles and equipment. Wellington Regional Council provides some funding, but we need donations and sponsorship to meet the shortfall.
To donate through our Give-A-Little page. Click the link below.